Passport performances & workshops - 2016
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9th-11th September - Sunshine Coast Readers & Writers Festival, with Buddies Refugee Support Group
13th September - Yeshi Buna, Brisbane, with Hazara Association of Australia
15th September - Passaport - Poem for a World Without Borders @ Berkelouw Books Paddingto, Sydney
Special guest: Zohab Zee Khan, Australian Poetry Slam champion
With RAC and Refugee Action Coalition Sydney RAC
18th September - Maltese Community Centre, Melbourne
19th September - The Brunswick Hotel, Melbourne
20th September - Multi-lingual Poetry Night, Bar Orient, Fremantle
23rd September, 3 pm - SymbioticA, Perth
23rd September, 7 pm - Tone List @ Paper Mountain, Perth, with Nathan Thompson
28th September - Speakeasy @ Artistry, Singapore, with David Wong and HOME - Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics
4th-5th November - International Festival for Young Poets, Cyprus
25th-27th November - Gratte-monde - Festival de poésie, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France (ateliers d'écriture et performance)